Happy international women's day! Today is a very important day because today we focus on the inequalities and injustice women across the world has to face everyday for simply the fact of being a woman. If you think that the world is equal now-days think a little about why we then have an international women's day and not an international man day. Men are the norm and often what a lot of people assume is the gender until other is proven, even though women stands for more than 50% of the population.
Though this is extremely important we are not going to dig deep into the heartbreaking and frustrating facts and statistics of what it means to be a woman, we are going to celebrate.
We at SEASALT & COFFEE want's to celebrate women, the fighters, the mothers, the sisters, the daughters, the friends, the entrepreneurs, the workers, the free-spirited and every woman in-between.
Our mission is to normalise female seafarers but it is also to normalise women in a patriarchy world. The seafarer industry is a small part of the areas where women are still considered to be rare if they work there. Most women in the industry has heard comments like "You must be a strong girl to work on a ship" The the fact is that it is the other way around, because everything a man can do a women can do bleeding. ;)
NOW LET'S CELEBRATE ! As you might have seen we released three new products that are here to stay! The WOMAN collection featuring a lounge set and a T-shirt with our own unique design.
With the set we are hopping on the monocrome print all over trend, this set with a pair of cool sneakers and bold earrings and you will have a, not only comfortable but a stylish statement outfit!
The T-shirt is made form ecological cotton that makes the softest fabric that you will want to wear everyday, and the design is embodied in the center. Giving that luxurious feeling and makes this tee the perfect basic to have in your closet as well as a powerful piece.
To celebrate a little more you will get 15% off everything when using the code WOMAN until the end of march!